Sunday, December 26, 2010

Low - income women often do not get regular care, which would earlier breast cancer is discovered "), birth control pills (use of birth control pills increase the risk of breast cancer for women in menopause before), hormone therapy (increase breast cancer women, estrogen and progesterone for four or more years), smoking, in cancerous breast changes, excessive alcohol consumption, weight (weight gain after 18 years found an increase risk of post - menopausal breast cancer and has shown high dense breast tissue on a mammogram distinguish tumors difficult.

The effect of radiation on the brain and dosimetry programs, will depend on factors such as the radiated area of the brain and the type and dose of radiation given.The patient's age may also play a role.Young children who are still developing many skills, may have different effects than adults.Most side effects do not occur during the treatment itself.You start with a short time afterwards, or long-term effects that develop months after treatment.Some side effects may similarly distinguish symptoms of a brain tumor and are difficult to distinguish between tumor effects and effects of treatment.This happens because of brain swelling from the radiation.Side effects can be problems with speaking, walking, and visual disturbances.

Although not everyone all the side effects of radiation on the brain experience, there are some common side effects.According to the International Association of radiosurgery Fatigue is one of the most common side effects.Fatigue can be severe as the treatment continues.Some people may experience nausea and vomiting during the course of radiation therapy to the brain.Hair loss in the area of the brain will most likely be emitted.

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Thursday, December 02, 2010

The negative domino effect of poor nutrition is immense.Clinton described taking the crucial first 1000 days in the prevention of malnutrition.Clinton said: "One in three children suffers from malnutrition worldwide.

In some countries, half of all children are stunted, which hampered its development of the brain and leads to lifelong health and learning problems."Clinton's speech comes at a time when more than 1 billion people in history who suffer from hunger, the highest numberThe fight against hunger must be at the top of the management agenda.

President Obama has made the feed on the Future initiative to improve agricultural production abroad.Before this program can be seen from the ground, the food crisis can be stabilized in many countries.Yemen is one of the countries in which the funding shortfalls threatened the existence of the food programs, including those for children.It is in Yemen, the U.S. resolve to combat hunger put to the test when this country is a high priority of national security.Right now, in Yemen, the UN's World Food Programme (WFP) masters degree in nutrition is forced to cut rations for the people moved by the conflict in the north of the country.

Other food assistance programs are already cut, including school feeding children.This Food for Education program, together with infant feeding programs is vital for development in Yemen, and must have restored full funding.

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